Celebrating the Women of SofH


At Sleight of Hand Cellars, we celebrate International Women's Day with great pride. We are lucky enough to have 2 amazing women working for us. Traci Garrett is our awesome Walla Walla tasting room manager, and Taylor Anne is our Assistant Winemaker.


Traci joined us close to 6 years ago (June 2015), when we poached her from Vino Volo in the Seattle airport. She is often the first person you see when you come and visit us in Walla Walla, with her infectious smile and warm greeting! She has these words to share with you.

"Women's month is a time for me to reflect on my life and the contributions I have given to my friends and family.

I attribute my strength and optimism of the human race to my father and his upbringing. My father never once discouraged me or told me that girls were weaker or less significant than boys and I grew up viewing everyone as equal. It never crossed my mind that I was different or at a disadvantage because of my sex, in fact I can't remember a time when I was discriminated against for being a girl or now a woman.

I vowed to raise my two sons like I was raised, to be kind and considerate to everyone. They grew up exposed to all kinds of people of varying backgrounds and gender identity. I know they learned, by my example, that women can do anything and can certainly accomplish anything they set their minds too.

My sons are now raising their own families with the same ideals passed down through my family. They encourage the women and girls in their lives, and make sure they feel appreciated and are given the opportunity to accomplish their goals and dreams.

Strong women make strong families and I hope that my small contribution to my community will continue to grow for many more generations."


Taylor Anne joined our team in August of 2016. A fellow Georgia Bulldog like Trey, Taylor got the wine bug in New Zealand, and followed her now husband, Mattias, here to Walla Walla. She is an invaluable person in the cellar, and can run our crush pad like nobody's business. She's a punchdown and pumpover queen, and can clean a tank with the best of them. She is truly a team player.

"In a time of hate, uncertainty, discomfort, and divisiveness, I ask that you be truly present in your conversations, be patient with those who think differently than you, be empathetic towards those with less than you, and be reflective of your intentions. It may be cliché, but the world really could use less hate."

We are so proud to have both Traci and Taylor on our team. They represent Sleight of Hand Cellars every day with their strength and work ethic, and their sincerity and kindness. Cheers to them both, and all of the incredible women out there that make the world a better place!

Daniel Burchardt